Friday, January 28, 2011

Facebook now has Pirate-speak as a Language Option!!

What be troublin' ye? Maybe it'd help if you Blabber t' yer mates about it so they can see it on their Home Port, or their bottle o' messages. Your blabberings are now going to Arr'd a lot more and you can even check out the sorry louts who think they're yer mates! Thar be more to it, as you can now scour fer mateys or customize yarr vessel.

Confused? Well, long story short, Facebook now has Pirate Speak as one of the language options for its users. Likes are now Arrs and you can reply to event invitations with Aye, Nay and Mayhaps. An additional English language option has also been added, which lets you read everything Upside Down. Your friends' names are still going to be upright though, so that's a bit useless.

I love the pirate speak though. It makes a website that I consider pretty boring infinitely more entertaining. Most of my scallywag mateys are now Cap'ns and are now wagging their scurvy tongue at, or admin' stuff on each other's Litany of Misdeeds.

I don't think I'm ever going to go back to the original because I Arr this too much, so I hope this isn't just a limited time thing.
original post by: Sriram Gurunathan

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